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Here is an overview of the checking fixtures, endurance jigs and measuring rod produced.

Gabarit de contrôle Checking fixture
Gabarit de contrôle Checking fixture
Gabarit endurance Checking fixture
Gabarit de contrôle Checking fixture
Gabarit de contrôle Checking fixture
Gabarit de contrôle Checking fixture
Gabarit de contrôle Checking fixture
Gabarit de contrôle Checking fixture
Gabarit de contrôle Checking fixture
Gabarit de contrôle Checking fixture
Gabarit de contrôle Checking fixture
Gabarit de contrôle Checking fixture
Gabarit de contrôle Checking fixture
Gabarit de contrôle Checking fixture
Gabarit de contrôle Checking fixture
  • What is a control template?
    Also called "control model", "control installation" or "means of control", the control template is mainly used during the manufacture of serial parts to control the dimensions and important tolerances of the plan.
  • What is a means of endurance?
    The endurance means is designed to test a part or assembly under conditions described in the specifications. The endurance means can, for example, simulate a repeated action during the life cycle of the part. It can be designed to test the part in a controlled atmosphere (humidity, temperatures, etc.)
  • What is metrological installation?
    Metrological installation or metro installation is designed to position the part to be inspected in a repeatable manner and hold it in position during metrology inspection.
  • Why choose the control template?
    The control template has the advantage of being dedicated to your part or assembly to be controlled, it is an integral part of your project just like your production tool. It can therefore easily be included in your project costing with a fairer cost for your client. On the workshop side, the control model has the advantage of being as close as possible to the production tool, you can place it nearby and avoid going back and forth to a metrology room. Our means of control are designed to be easy to use.
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